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Customizing the standard S-Series for better performance in humid environments

In warehouse and distribution center spaces where our standard S-Series HTHV (high-temperature heaving & ventilation) heaters are commonly installed, the units see 20-30+ year lifespans under routine maintenance and within the range of normal environmental conditions. However, not all applications are “standard” and need specific conditions to be considered in the system design. A prime example of a situation where a facility needs the heat throw and efficiency that our S-Series provides, but with an overly humid environment, is that of heating a carwash tunnel.

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The Cambridge S-Series: A Lifecycle Cost Comparison

When deciding on a system to heat your facility, cost plays an important role. While some project bids might gravitate to the cheapest available option to meet the specs, it is pertinent to consider the other cost factors involved (energy savings and maintenance costs) as they will play a major role in the overall unit life cycle cost.

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The Path to Net Zero Energy

Dave Binz, Director of Engineering at Cambridge Air Solutions, presents a webinar to ASHRAE Journal on "The Path to Net Zero Energy."

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What you need to know about your evaporative cooling system and tips for optimization

Wondering how to make evaporative cooling work better for your business? Get tips from the experts at Cambridge Air Solutions™.

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Commercial & Industrial End-Of-Year HVAC Maintenance Tips

Heating and air quality play a significant factor in providing a happy and healthy work environment. To achieve maximum efficiency, be sure to provide some mid-year maintenance to your commercial or industrial HVAC unit. Jeff Hodge, a member of the Cambridge service team, has provided some simple tips to achieve this.

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Going Green with a Sustainable Building

As part of our corporate social responsibility, we know we have to be stewards of our environment, and for nearly six decades, have invented and brought to market some of the most energy efficient HVAC technologies available in the manufacturing and distribution market segments. From our S-Series technology to our evaporative cooling or ventilation technologies, our systems alone operate at 40%-65% savings versus traditional technologies.

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