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The Cambridge S-Series: A Lifecycle Cost Comparison




When heating large commercial and industrial spaces, the Cambridge S-Series units stand out with their innovative design and unmatched efficiency. The unique blow-through design is at the core of this excellence, capable of delivering a 160-degree maximum temperature rise and discharge temperature. This design ensures more usable heat and enhanced thermal comfort with minimal temperature variation throughout the heated space.

Superior Energy Efficiency

One of the most compelling reasons to choose the Cambridge S-Series unit is its energy efficiency. Our units are 20 to 70 percent more energy-efficient than other indirect and gas-fired systems. This efficiency translates into significant energy savings, making it ideal for heating large commercial and industrial buildings.

The Importance of Considering Life Cycle Costs

When selecting a heating system for your facility, it's easy to focus on the initial equipment cost. However, it's crucial to consider the unit's total life cycle cost, including maintenance and operating expenses. While some project bids might gravitate toward the cheapest option, understanding the long-term financial impact is vital.

Minimal Maintenance Requirements

Cambridge units are designed with minimal maintenance in mind. Take, for example, our S 1200 unit. In standard conditions, you can expect maintenance costs of only $250 every few years. The S 1200 features a three-horsepower motor that requires little upkeep because it doesn't have blower bearings that need greasing. Additionally, the components are strategically positioned behind the burner, away from the hot air stream, significantly extending the lifespan of parts like belts that require constant attention from competitor products.

Durability and Longevity

Another standout feature of Cambridge units is our 100% stainless steel burners. These burners boast an expected life cycle of 25-plus years and require minimal maintenance due to their self-cleaning properties. Unlike cast iron burners found in other products, which are prone to rust and deterioration and may need to be replaced multiple times over the unit's life cycle, Cambridge's stainless steel burners are built to last. This durability reduces maintenance costs and ensures that your heating system remains reliable for decades.

Cost-Effective Installation and Setup

Cambridge units also offer significant advantages in installation and startup costs. We lower the cost of installation and startup through precise factory calibration and testing for site conditions. Additionally, we minimize the need for onsite fabrication by providing laser-matched ductwork and accessories. Cambridge focuses on optimizing unit cost and the total cost of installation, which shortens installation time and reduces expenses for contractors. This attention to detail translates into smoother project execution and enhanced value for all involved.

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If you're interested in discovering more about the advantages of Cambridge units, find your local Cambridge Rep. Explore how our solutions can bring unmatched efficiency, durability, and cost savings to your facility.

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