Another reason to get excited about HTHV technology? Building owners and facility managers can receive additional gas utility rebates when purchasing and installing HTHV technology.
For years, both electric and natural gas utilities have offered rebates for energy efficient products, and direct gas-fired HTHV is no different. Natural gas utilities across the country have been providing custom rebates for HTHV products through their commercial and industrial rebate programs for over a decade. Because of the DOE’s study on the benefits of HTHV equipment, many natural gas utilities are adding prescriptive rebates for HTHV products to the already available custom rebates. Amounts vary by utility, but rebates can provide as much as $12,800 in rebate funding for a 3.2 million Btu heater, promoting the installation of even the largest heaters available. Combining rebates with the gas savings that a 92% efficiency HTHV heater provides can help drive down the return on investment that today’s building owners and facility managers need to meet when purchasing capital equipment. If you need help applying for your rebates, feel free to contact Cambridge Client Care at 888-919-1887. Our representatives understand the steps and are more than willing to assist you. Now it’s easier and more cost effective than ever to install HTHV technology.