When the first words anyone reads when they visit your websites homepage is “Helping Leaders Create Better Working Environments For Hard-Working People” it would be a good idea to practice that within you own facility as well……just saying.
Here at Cambridge Air Solutions we have always practiced what we preach throughout the cold winter months through the use of industry leading High Temperature Heating and Ventilation (HTHV) heating technology. Through the use of HTHV units we have the ability to keep our facility comfortable warm where the hard working people are…..down on the factory floor. Along with our commitment to utilizing energy efficient HTHV technology to reduce our carbon footprint we have also installed solar panels on a major portion of our roof to help further reduce our carbon footprint and generate electricity on those bright sunny days.
But there was still that last piece of the puzzle, and just as important as comfortably heating a facility in the winter, which was to find a way to cool our facility during the hot and humid Saint Louis summer months. A better working environment is comfortable year round, not just when the temperature dips below freezing. The biggest hurdle in cooling our facility is not the lack of technology but the acquisition and operating costs of different technologies that are available. Even with the electricity that our solar panels generate a DX mechanical cooling solution for our facility would be too costly to operate. Instead we have chosen to use a two stage evaporative solution to provide a more comfortable indoor environment for our Cambridge family members who work on the factory floor that uses less electricity and continues to reduce our carbon footprint.

To follow our journey as we work hard to provide a better working environment during the summer months as well, follow us of Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cambridgeengineering/ - as we will post updates throughout the journey.